Better, Safer Buildings February 2, 2017
Join us on Thursday February 2, 2017
from 5:30 to 8:30 PM in Redwood City @ GSVlabs
Better, Safer Buildings – Risks and Rewards – Who Pays? Who Benefits?
Holistic Building Upgrades for seismic safety and resource efficiency
Would you like the buildings you own, manage and work in to be safe, healthy, efficient and up to date? Would you like your real estate portfolio to be more profitable with less risk?
Why not address multiple goals with one upgrade process?
Seismic: are you prepared for the next major quake?
Health: how can a building improve employee performance, health and happiness?
Efficiency: save energy and water; capture and reuse storm and waste water
Renewable Energy: produce and store clean power and charge electric vehicles
How can I pay for this? - learn about financing options, including commercial PACE and place-based investing. Projects can have net neutral or even positive cash flow.
Risk Management and Financing Strategies: optimize returns for owners and tenants
More information and Registration, click HERE
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