Black Lives Matter and Climate Change

The anguish that is gripping our society after the horrific murder of George Floyd, and so many other black and brown people, reveals a rising tide of anger…The underlying causes of systemic racism are connected to the factors driving climate disruption. There is a recognition and readiness for profound, transformational change.

Photo: Crew members aboard the International Space Station take numerous images of the Earth to record the images that provide NASA scientists with data to gain a deeper understanding of our Planet.

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Climate Risks and Indigenous Communities:  Impacts and Solutions

… Indigenous communities are disproportionately at higher risk of adverse consequences with global warming of 1.5°C and beyond. … Though indigenous peoples have developed sophisticated knowledge on how to adapt to a changing climate and are known to be very resilient, climate events may now be occurring at a faster rate than they can naturally adapt, as is the case for many living species on Earth. … Indigenous communities are the first to understand and discuss how a changing climate is affecting them. Minerva’s Karl Van Orsdol shares insights from his research with indigenous communities in northern Canada and South Africa.

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Karl Van OrsdolComment
What’s Next After UN Congress of Parties in Madrid?

The house is on fire and we stand idly by, wringing our hands.

UN Congress of Parties (COP) in Madrid ended without sufficient new commitments to meet the target of keeping warming to below 1.5 °C or even 2.0 °C. … Even without strong national leadership from the U.S. President and Congress, what can each of us do? … Regenerative Design is a term to describe this approach to systems improvement that builds human capacity and the capacity of our urban, rural and wilderness resources, as well as creating financial returns, increasing knowledge, social equity and resilience. By taking wise action, we can create meaning and joy in the face of hopelessness and despair.

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Marianna GrossmanComment
Joseph Kott: Humanitarian and Sustainable Transportation Leader

The Minerva Ventures team regrets to share this sorrowful news. We worked with Joe for many years and appreciated his kind heart, deep knowledge and his passion for the role of transportation in making communities vibrant, equitable and sustainable. The Transportation Choices for Sustainable Communities Research and Policy Institute will strive to carry on his work and honor his memory. Please read on to learn more about his legacy.

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Marianna GrossmanComment
COP 24: Finding Consensus on the Brink of Failure

The Agreement at COP 24 provided a process for countries that are struggling to meet their emissions goals to get help in getting back on track.  When world leaders signed the Paris agreement in 2015, they said they would try to limit the rise in global temperatures to roughly 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, above preindustrial levels to avoid climate-related disasters like widespread food shortages and mass coral die-offs.

But with global fossil-fuel emissions still rising each year, we are now likely to exceed that temperature threshold in the next 30 to 35 years.  Currently, the world is on pace for around 3 degrees Celsius of warming or more by 2100, bringing far higher risks of deadly heat waves, floods, the collapse of polar ice caps and other potential calamities.

Under the auspices of The Rockies Institute, a Canadian NGO, Karl Van Orsdol had the opportunity to present their research on the impacts of climate change on rural and indigenous communities at the UN Action Hub, a circular venue in the heart of the COP 24’s center.  The Action Hub was designed to provide a space to showcase and appraise climate action initiatives.  

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Karl Van OrsdolComment
Climate Adaptation in South Africa

Recently, Minerva’s Karl Van Orsdol, completed a climate vulnerability assessment project in the town of Kuboes, South Africa.  Kuboes (Population 1,000) is an isolated indigenous community of Nama Peoples located in the Northern Cape province which, like Cape Town some 600 km to the south, has been reeling under the affects of a major drought.  Click to find out more…

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Karl Van OrsdolComment
Mission: Restore the Earth

Humans must transform how we related to the earth and to one another so that we repair and restore the life support systems of the planet. We are but a thread in the web of life and simply tweaking our behavior to be "less bad" or to gradually reduce carbon emissions will not suffice. We need to take bold actions for restoration, based on an understanding of complex systems. We need to cherish and nurture the Earth systems and resources and not exploit them.

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Two New Films Discuss Nuclear Energy, is it a Viable Option for Clean Energy?

Two new films make the case for nuclear energy solutions for climate change.  Read about the new films “The New Fire” and “Pandora’s Promise” and join the debate on nuclear energy. Is it necessary for a renewable energy future, or are the hazards too great? Many climate activists are taking a second look.

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