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Sustainable & Resilient Resources Roundtable (SRRR) Workshop: Revealing Company Climate & Sustainability Performance

The presenters represent organizations with different approaches to analyze and present indicators, benchmarks or certification thresholds, The records of companies on environment, natural resources, climate, social and other areas are made transparent and available to the public, enabling people to make informed decisions on purchases and investments in line with their values. This allows people to make informed choices which in turn motivates companies to improve their environmental performance or lose customers and investors. Presenters will share the impact their measures are having on company performance.


12:55 PM Sign in to meeting 

1:00 PM Welcome. The Sustainable & Resilient Resources Roundtable

1:10 PM: Using Big Data Technology to Measure Performance and Rank over 50,000 Companies Around the World. Cynthia Figge, President and CEO, CSRHUB

1:25 PM Questions from respondent and participants . 

1:35 PM Green Business Network ® Certification, Tailored to Small-Mid-sized Companies, Fran Teplitz, Executive Co-Director, Green America

1:50 PM Questions from respondent and participants. 

2:00 PM Transformative Benchmarks Comparing Companies’ Performance on the Sustainable Development Goals -SDGs, Richard Hardy Research Director, World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA)

2::15 PM Questions from respondent and participants.

2:25 PM Promoting Emergence of a Sustainable, Green, Ethical & Just Economy Worldwide, Hazel Henderson, Ethical Markets,

2:40 PM Questions from respondent and participants.

2:50 PM Open Discussion Among Presenters and respondents

3:05 PM Announcements and Next Steps

3:15 PM Adjourn