Room 380-380Y, Stanford University, Open to Graduate and Undergraduate Students – Auditors Welcome
Minerva’s Marianna Grossman will talk on “Annihilation or Climate Restoration. Building a Resilient Future.” on Oct. 9, joined by Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mark Jacobson of Stanford Univ.
The seminar series are organized by Dr. Leslie Field, CEO of Ice911 and will highlight some of the very promising work and suggest ways to approach the challenge of our times. The recurring theme is, “It’s time to solve this.” The rest of the series are as follows:
10/16/18 Bi-Polar Observations in a Changing Climate. Doug Stoup, Ice Axe Expeditions 10/23/18 Ocean-Inspired Entrepreneurs. Dr. David Smernoff and Dr. Rocco Mancinelli, HelioBioSys, Dr. Brent Constantz, Blue Planet and Dr. Brian von Herzen, Climate Foundation
10/30/18 Workshop on Solving “Impossible” Problems in Climate. Kimberly Wiefling, MS
11/06/18 Sustainable Building; NASA Sustainability Base. Dr. Steven Zornetzer, NASA Ames (Retired)
11/13/18 Electrons and Aerostructures Brian Kooiman, MS, OhmConnect and Dr. Kenny Cheung, NASA
11/27/18 Entrepreneurship and EVs. Marc Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard, Tesla Co-Founders
12/04/18 Climate Change – It’s Time to Solve This. Dr. Leslie Field, Stanford, Ice911, SmallTech